Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Quilled kolam

        We are in the middle of a Tamil month called Margazli , this month starts from mid December and ends mid January. This month is considered very auspicious and a month dedicated to the Gods(there is an interesting belief -In general 4 to 6 Am in the morning(Brahma Muhurtham) is considered very auspicious time for prayers .It is also believed that one day of the Gods is one year for man and that the 4 to 6 Am of the Gods ,which is one month duration for man is this Margazli month .Therefore this is the month when it is auspicious even for the Gods.)

       As is the tradition every year ,I can see large kolams in front of houses . I only go down to make my kolam on very special days , but I can quill a kolam whenever I want.

       I wanted to post today because it is exactly one year since I started this blog. It was about this time last year, I was making my first snowflakes and Christmas tree to take to my mom's house . I had made at least a dozen snowflakes and hung them all on the tree. I decorated the house with kusudamas and paper snowflakes . 
       In this one year I have made so many friends ,learnt so much and rolled so many hundreds of strips.  Like every other place bloggerland is so beautiful because of the beautiful and talented people in it . I would like to thank  all the people who have encouraged and inspired me and look forward to draw more inspiration from them all. 

      Thanks for stopping by, Have a wonderful Christmas.



  1. What a lovely and interesting post, Suganthi. Happy first blogiversary to you! I always enjoy seeing your projects and am inspired by them.

  2. Thank you so much Ann You are so kind. You are my inspiration .I started quilling after I saw your work and Your comments mean so much to me.

  3. Happy blogoversary!!:))thats a nice one.

  4. Happy blogiversary! Very beautiful quilled kolam!

  5. Congratulations on your first year's blogging, Suganthi! I think your kolam is beautiful, just like all your quilling work. I believe that you and I share the same 'inventive streak' when it comes to quilling, and I always look forward to seeing your latest projects. I think blogging enhances all our lives, and I am very pleased to have 'met' you here!

  6. Thank you Kavi for always peeking and for being such a good friend.

  7. Thank you Inna for being such an inspiration and for your wonderful tutorials.

  8. Thank you Philippa for sharing your experiments with the strips .I sure have learnt a lot from you . I am jpleased to have met you too.

  9. happy blogoversary... this is once again one of your bests.. :)

  10. Thank you Priya , I too admire your cheerful cards a lot.

  11. very beautiful kolam and the background color enhances it more.
    Happy bloganniversary.

  12. Very very beautiful suganthi...ur work is a masterpiece always :)

  13. Thank you Anandhi . Thank you Manasa for all your support from the very beginning.

  14. Lovely work. Thanks for sharing.
    Thanku dear for ur sweet comment on my blog.

  15. great work... congrats for completing 1 year.. great going.. merry christmas :)

  16. Very very artistic and beautiful !!!

  17. Hi suganthi ur kolam is beautifull love the neatness of ur work,and happy 1st blogoversary,hope i have spelled it correctly.

  18. Hi! Happy Blogoversary. Beautiful Kolam. Neat and perfect.

  19. Thank you Hussena , Thank you Leanne.

  20. wonderful markazi kolam.
    great work indeed.


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