Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas tree

       As one of the winners of the last CraftyJC challenge I am invited by Jaya to participate in the 5th challenge to provide some inspiration. The challenge is based on the Christmas season -Brrrrrr.
       I am so glad she asked me and I got to quill this Christmas tree, I needed just that inspiration to get me started. Do join in this festive challenge  and play along.


      For the Christmas tree. I have completely used crimped strips. I have tried this idea before in another card and it looked really like nib painting. I first drew the outline of the tree (really light) and then stuck a length of strip on the outline for all the three layers .After the outline  dried I stuck one end of the crimped strip to one end of the outline and I looped the strips with my hands and stuck it to the outline as I filled the entire space inside the outline (Strips when crimped become so flexible and workable) . I have used two shades of green  hoping to get a nice effect. 

     To make the holly leaves first make a loose coil and pinch on both sides to get an eye shape. Now hold the center of the marquis tight with one hand and with the other hold one pointed end of the marquis and push it towards the center.Now repeat the same on the other side . 

    Thanks for stopping by, Happy holidays.


  1. So beautiful Suganthi...just loved it !!! It really is gorgeous...

  2. Wow I really liked ur idea must give it a try some time.

  3. Wow, I love everything on this card. The bells are so pretty! What a cute snowman!

  4. Thanks for sharing your crimped strip technique for the tree, Suganthi - I really like the effect.

  5. Great idea Suganthi.. and as usual it turned out fantastic!I loved the christmas tree

  6. Love the design of the tree and the snowman is so very cute.

  7. Really colorful... loved this card, captures the true spirit of Christmas!

  8. Merry Christmas ... its a lovely christmas tree with bells and snow flakes!

  9. Such a unique way of working with crimped strips! I really like that idea.

  10. What a lovely x-mas tree suganthi!
    Love your blog.... so mnay beautiful things!

  11. Wow! Very beautiful! Love your Christmas tree.

  12. Can you give a tutorial on this please please please...

  13. I am so glad everyone liked my crimped strips tree.@Julia Next time I use this technique I will post the steps as well.

  14. It's sooo cool! Love this card! All the details are so unique and delicate, love the snow - all the varieties; and the tree is beyond any competition, it's just great!!!

  15. I love your Snowman! Cute little guy!
    And the tree...beautiful!


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