Sunday, January 21, 2018

Quilled wedding keepsake

      Back with another wedding keepsake. I had this idea of white hearts and flowers even when I was starting this piece. The hearts with beehive technique I thought would give a lace like effect. But somehow these hearts got lost in the paper then I had to add a pink border to them and even then they did not pop so I stuck them to a green hand made paper and cut them out. It might not show in the picture but the hearts have a green background.  I used two tone 3mm strips for the flowers.

    I must say I am loving making these wedding keepsakes , the names are the most challenging but working with different fonts is enjoyable. I had to stop myself from making more hearts because I wanted the names to dominate the picture.

    Thanks for stopping by. Have a creative day. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Suganthi!! Admire the way you incorporate beehive in your works! I have attempted beehive pattern but they don't turn out as close and tight as yours..They tend to be very loose!


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