Friday, June 26, 2015

Wedding plates with quilling.

    Today I am sharing some of the wedding plate decorations I  made using Quilling.  The request came from a friend for her daughter's wedding , she wanted one wedding knot and the names but pretty much left everything else to me. I tried some new techniques that I have not tried before. I particularly enjoyed working with crepe paper . The background handmade paper is my new purchase from my recent trip to Pondicherry, I visited the factory to buy these paper. They are thin and flexible with brilliant colours And delightful to work with. It does not show in these pictures but these gorgeous paper have beautiful streaks of Gold and silver running through the length of the sheet.

     For the names of the bride and groom I used the same font as that in the wedding invitation . I printed them out on an A4 sheet got the impression on metallic paper and quilled over it. I used five shades of pink to get the graduating effect.

      Thanks for stopping by , Have a great day.


  1. Outstanding as usual Suganthi. I am Fan for your works

  2. very beautiful and perfect compositions Suganthi !!

  3. As always....neatness and perfection personified 😊

  4. These are absolutely amazing and awe inspiring.

  5. How beautiful is your work!!!

  6. Each one is beautiful! I'm not familiar with wedding plates... are they actual dishes and you quill on the flat surface?

  7. Wowwww.. your work is super awesome.. I love quilling too, but never thought such amazing stuff can be made by quilling..


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