Saturday, September 17, 2011

Golden lotus pond.

    Hi everyone , I don't have much to share because I don't have time to quill these days. Navarathri Golu preparations are on at our library and I am trying to do justice to my part of the work there. I am also in the middle of my kids exams which means even less internet time for everyone.

    One of my dear friends who always has a beautiful golu at her home every Navarathri asked me to make this for her . This is a miniature pond of Madurai Meenakshi temple with lotus flowers with the center one being a golden one. It is called Porthamarai or golden lotus pond.

    The temple has mention in Tamil literature for more than two thousand years ,As legend has, new literature was tested by placing it on the surface of the pond(written on palm leaves) , weak literature sunk whereas good literature floated.There is also this story that Thiruvalluvar's Thirukkural was rejected by the Sangam poets for not following the prevailing rules for poetries of that time, and thrown into the porthamarai kulam , but Thirukkural came to the surface on a golden lotus.The Thirukkural though written more than two thousand years ago ,is relevent even to this day and is the most translated book in the world second only to the Bible.
     For the water I  used a hand made paper . For the one step  that I  have made for the pond it is a shadow box made from a thick paper and  I stuck red colour strips all around at regular intervals as it is seen in temple ponds. For the gold lotus I cut gold colour paper but the edges were not golden ,I painted the edges with acrylic gold colour. The rest are flowers made from 2mm paper pink strips . I have not stuck the flowers I will give it to my friend and she can arrange them just as she wants .The entire pond is about six inches in length and the flowers are really tiny. My friend did not want any leaves.
    Thanks for stopping by, have a great day.


  1. Hey ! I've been to meenakshi temple n must say i was fascinated by it !! Loved ur total scene n d flowers,,, i also celebrate navratra n fast during those days bt whats golu ??

  2. Love it!! Its amazing and The whole history reminds me of my last years seventh grade history!! Everything is being recollected!! Love the Lotus... Its stunning!!

  3. Wonderful scene.... and thanks for educating us about the story behind the temple...

  4. Thatz real stunning....again Suganthi.....I love it!!!!


  5. красивые лотосы!счастливого Наваратри!

  6. The pond looks so real! Love the handmade paper!

  7. Fascinating legend and a lovely pond.

  8. your pond looks so real and it was so nice to read about the story behind it.

  9. How lovely


  10. Suganthi is in possession of my affection to the Indian people in this difficult time.
    Nice work!

  11. A wonderful post suganthi.And as always
    Your quilling is fast pulling me to try it.Thanks for the info on thirukkural

  12. Awesome work Suganthi! Been peeping in now and then! :)
    Would have loved to meet you when Chennai crafters met but time atleast! :)

  13. Beautiful! And the golden lotus is so lovely! The hand made paper is giving an amazing water impression!

  14. Lovely - and the background works so well!

  15. very attractive and colorful....
    all ur works are amazing...
    make me too learn this quilling art...
    do visit my blog...


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