Monday, July 11, 2011

Quilled flower bunch

          When I start making quilled jewellery , its very difficult for me to think of cards again. I have been quilling some earrings and gift tags for my friends . A link from facebook took me to this site where I found this bunch of flowers which I think is more like a kusudama. Here's my own trial.

   I made six flowers and stuck them like I would stick petals but on the wrong side.That is, I stuck the flowers upside down to make a flower with one flower in the center and the rest of the flowers like petals and then after the glue dried I turned the whole flower bunch upside down. I must own that some glue is showing and it is not as beautiful as the original , still I like it and it is a nice idea.

    Thanks for stopping by . Have a great day.


  1. This is really interesting!!! And lovely

  2. Clever idea to make a flower ball... I see what you mean about the kusudama resemblance.

  3. WOW, so interesting! Great work!

  4. Its beautiful!.. you are really very talented! :D

  5. This is super work... you should have clicked pics for each stage so i could guess how u made it... ;-)

  6. The flower ball and the crimped heart are both gorgeous. I like the way you wade wavy quilled paper strips run through the center of the heart!

  7. Hi Suganthi...Its a variety creation...lovely...

  8. very pretty!! loved the crimped heart! and the flower bunch is so unique!!

  9. your bunch of flowers is so unique and looks beautiful really liked the idea,loved your crimped heart and the lines running through it.

  10. Very cute =) Love the idea of a flower bunch!

  11. Great idea Suganthi! :)

  12. You never cease to amaze me :) What a great idea to make a kusudama ball from quilled flowers! The card turned out great with that heart on top... simply gorgeous!

  13. Wow! Your card as beautiful as you are... :)

  14. very beautiful I liked the wavy paper strips it enhances the flower.Amazing work

  15. this is so creative and lovely one (as usual.. you make me say this in each n every card of yours Suganthi!!)

  16. what a beautiful kusudama in quilling.

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