Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Birthday card

      This card I made for my brother's daughter Shrestha ,who turned four this week. My dearest niece completely fits the bill -sugar,spice and everything nice.

     I am in awe of  so many card making blogs.  People from India can understand, its not often one comes across handmade cards here. It's not difficult but impossible to get craft stuff here ,especially for paper crafts.
    Even though I know very little about card making ,I am not unhappy as there is so much I can learn and that will keep me occupied for a long time.
I have used quilling paper and have tried using a ribbon.


  1. This is so beautiful...all the colours look amazing...

  2. lovely one,pls mail me ur id so that i will send u the details

  3. Thank you Manasa, and thank you kavitha ,I have mailed to you and thank you again .

  4. Thanks for the love u shared on my work.... That introduces your nice space to me.... Awesome works of arts.... Kudos!!!!


  5. beautiful card mummy. please make me one too.


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