Friday, January 5, 2018

Quilled wedding keepsake

   My first post for 2018!!! I am very happy the way this wedding keepsake turned out . This order is from my favourite customer Daphne , not only did she give me complete liberty with the colours and design of this piece she also was infinitely patient when I was delayed by some family emergency.

    I did struggle with a more difficult font then went back to Brush script which I am  very comfortable with . I made the circles and flowers first and then made the others choosing colours to suit them . The circles are made from 3mm strips rest are made using 5mm strips.

    Thanks for stopping by , Have a wonderful and creative day.


  1. Loved the way those little circles added color to the whole piece... Asusual great work Suganthi!!

  2. Gorgeous and awesome as usual suganthi .i love the color combination .

  3. This looks so celebratory and happy... very special!


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