Thursday, May 1, 2014

Quilled Peacock

      I made another peacock for another request . I used the same image as my earlier peacock( I was asked to make a similar one). After I  finished the peacock I drew the tree around it and filled it with beehive quilling technique using two shades of brown. The peacock is made using 5 mm quililng strips, whereas the tree and flowers are made using 3mm quilling strips. This did not take as much time as my earlier one ,I had all the colours ready and I also remembered the lengths and the size of the coils I had used. Although I tried the exact same peacock , the arrangement of the feathers turned out different making this also as unique as all my other quilled versions.
     It so happened I had to photograph on the very rare summer morning in Chennai when the Sun would n't come out. I had to rush to the framers and hence the dull picture.      
     I am also in the middle of my Summer English class with another batch of sweet and creative kids.

    Thanks for stopping by , have a lovely day.


  1. Very Nice Suganthi. May I ask what kind of paper you use as the base?

  2. WOW, Suganthi! This is simply stunning work! The way that you have created those peacock feather's is so unique and gorgeous and so life-like too! This is just amazing work !!

  3. I like the fact that even if you used the same imagine as a guideline, the bird turned out different. Like this each creation is unique and emphasizes even more the fact that it was handmade! :) I can never remember the size of my paper strips, I always have to write them down...
    P.S. I would love to know the size of this beautiful painting!

  4. Lovely peacock .. so neat mesmerizing work Suganthi :)

  5. Love how the contrast of colors makes it shimmer like the real thing. Wonderfully done Suganthi.

  6. Beautiful peacock, and tree and flower. Butterfly with a previous post wonderful, greet

  7. That is beautiful!!!
    Greetings Baukje

  8. It's magnificent Suganthi. Love every details of it.

  9. Cute as usual and I love the tree too...

  10. Awesome work! Could you just let me know how big is the picture or could you send me the outline?I wanna try it:)


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