Thursday, December 22, 2011

Quilled miniature Hanuman

      Today is my second blog anniversary,and I have something new to share - a miniature Hanuman doll. Hanuman is a Hindu God , he is depicted with a face of a monkey and he is worshipped for good health.He is famous for being very brave and strong and deeply devoted to Lord Rama. He is also the favourite among kids, like a super hero with lot of animated movies based on his stories.
       When I first got the request I took it up with lot of doubts.  It was not easy and it took me a long time to figure out and then quill this doll, but I am happy with the likeness I managed to get . 
        Here's how he looks from behind. He is very colourful and he is made almost completely from paper , except for his earrings which are beads and the floral wires which were inserted inside his legs, arms and his tail. Even his jewels are cut from a shiny paper and his clothes are made from duplex crepe paper .The dome shaped of his crown is made from gold colour quilling strips.I am most happy with his tail as it took shape without much trouble . I worried about it's drooping down.This doll is more than four inches tall.

           When I wrote this post I did not know but only learnt from Anandhirajan's comment that Hanumanth Jayanthi is on 24 th , which makes for a happy coincidence.
       This is another kolam which is also a repeat of my earlier work for the same person who requested the doll .So far I have only accepted requests from people whom I know  ,this is the first time I accepted a request through Email. 

        LInking to Kavi's Challenge  -anything but a card.

      Blog land has given me above all an opportunity to know so many wonderful people. I received this lamp from one of my blogger friends, Viji I came to know her from the wonderful comments she would leave in my blog and I found her from her blog to be such a warm person who takes joy from the smallest of things . When she posted pictures of her lamps ,I liked this one so much that she would have a similar one sent to me. I am so very touched by her affectionate gesture.

         I thank again and again all my blogger friends for generously sharing their work and techniques.Ann  for always inspiring me by her awesome finds and her all too elegant quilling.Also many thanks to people who take time to email me and tell me how my blog has been of help .Makes me feel better at times when I find blogging overwhelming.
        My husband for buying me a new camera early this year, and for promising me all the paper strips I want for my big projects.
Akhil enjoys quilling and even Abi , during his holidays when he had nothing to do wanted to know how I made the square shape. My kids say such nice things about my work and bear with me when all is not working , that I am so very thankful to them.
        Leaving tomorrow to visit my mother in Bangalore for the Christmas holidays and will be back with one last post(I hope) for this year.

         Thanks for stopping by.Merry Christmas to everyone .


  1. Dear Suganthi the Hanuman is amazing-- You share such masterpieces and please dont stop blogging even if at times its overwhelming as you say -- there are so many people like me who look forward eagerly to your posts!

  2. One word! AWESOME! I maintain what I always have, we should have a name - Suganthi twist :) You give quilling a new definition!

  3. Wow Suganthi!Hanuman is my fav god and u have quilled it beautifully...u r one big inspiration....just superb!!!

  4. Forgot about Kolam..its also awesome!!

  5. OMG,this is artwork!!! You are very talented!!!

  6. Много красиво и оригинално!

  7. Awesome Hanuman, very creative, and also love the Kolam, very pretty!!!!

  8. Stunning !!!!!!work Suganthi
    enjoy your holidays with mum .
    keep crafting .

  9. Hats off to you!! Really amazing work!!!!! :)

  10. Wow.........So very nice ...Lovely Hanuman and the kolam is all beautiful!

  11. OMG!!! This is Amazing :) Such a wonderful creation:) You are very talented Quiller:) This is fantastic..

  12. A very well planned project suganthi for hanumath jayanthi which is on 24th december.Hanuman had come out very well. I hope to see some tutorials on 3d quilling. Happy Journey

  13. Suganthi, awesome quilling once again, I love the way you make new projects !

  14. COngrats :) The hunuman miniature is really cute and kolam is very nice i liked the red n white combo u used :)

  15. Oh my god!!! This is a stunner!! This is soo beautiful quilled......=) u take quilling to new horizon!!!!

    Congrats on ur success in quilling a beautiful doll!!

  16. from where do you get such amazing ideas & then so much of creativity to put your ideas to use ??fantastic to the minutest of details !!

  17. As always suganthi you work is simply amazing and a true inspiration to all of us.. not only is your work beautiful but also so brilliantly done.. you take the simplest of things and make them into these gorgeous works of art...i love your quilled hanuman...simply superb!!!and the balance and the design of your kolam so so amazing!! hats off to you.
    and a very happy 2nd blogoversary!!

  18. Happpyyy Bloggoversary! :D
    Its soooo beautiful:D

  19. Its very very innovative and very beautiful Suganthi...loved it !Congratulations on your blog anniversary...

  20. Hanuman is amazing!! He cost you lots of work and time but looks wonderful!

  21. OMG, Suganthi! your miniature Hanuman is amazing! I won't know where to start. Love all the details. The lady must be so please with it.

    Yes, blog land sure is an amazing place. I am so glad to have found your blog and be one of your blog followers.

    Have a wonderful time!

  22. Absolutely wonderful work! You've thought of every little detail. Thank YOU for inspiring me, Suganthi, and for your endless creativity. It's such a pleasure to know you.

  23.'s a great Hanuman...I love so much, Suganthi.


  24. Wow! what have you done that beautifully
    Greetings Baukje

  25. Awesome Hanuman ! Very creative.

  26. I am stunned at the amazing likliness you've managed to achieve..its truly awesome..I am just amazed!! I truly truly love it..and the kolam..I love the blue background that you've sets the kolam apart and makes it the hero!!
    I too might have a request for you in the future...will mail you once you're back from your vacations!

  27. It is a masterpiece. But then your quillings are always wonderful and such a treat to the eye. Wish you a very happy 2012 and the ability to quill more and more beautiful masterpieces. Happy holidays Suganthie

  28. I cannot beleive my eyes dear.
    What a creation!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You have reached the high i suppose.
    Really really very good.
    Tomorrow is Anjaneyars birthday and let it be his Birthday present.
    Let him bless you too.
    The kolam as usual very fine.
    Keep doing dear.
    Milestones are before you to reach.
    Happy new year.
    Enjoy with your mother. All the best.

  29. Suganthi,
    Beautiful work!
    Thanks for the visits and comments on my blog. I am a great admirer of his work.
    Merry Christmas!

  30. Amazing!!!superb!!I liked ur Quilled Hanuman very much.kolam is also very innovative.


  31. Looks so beautiful suganthi mam.
    Thank you so much for joining us this month at For the love of crafting!!:)

  32. You are such a great artist ,so talented.Congratulations and a very Hay New Year!

  33. Awesome work with paper. I Love the way you have blended color in your creations. thanks for sharing

  34. nice quilled hanuman ... like to see a tutorial for quilled hanuman..

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