Thursday, August 26, 2010

quilled birthday cake

      My intention was to quill a birthday cake ,but the card turned out to be a huge birthday party. Just right for a small kid. I love making eccentric coils and balloons are my favourite.I enjoyed making this card, using so many different colour strips.

       Here's another view of my quilled cake.

      I would like to give some tips on quilling that I have learnt from lot of other blogs and also by my own experience.

    While making a longer strip by gluing two or more strips, it will be better if we tear the strip at the ends. This way the  place where the strips are glued will not be prominent. Tearing strips while quilling also will help make a neater coil.(Thanks Ann Martin for this tip)

    Take glue on a plastic surface, and touch your quilled elements lightly on the glue before placing it on your work(again ,I learnt this from Ann Martin). We can also use a toothpick to gently apply glue on the coils , If we apply glue only in one area sometimes some of the coils will stick out.

     I have learnt that much care has to be taken while gluing ,taking a second to see if the coils are in place helps. 

    Thanks for stopping by. Have a creative day!


  1. Super fun card !

    Some tips from me(from claire) : Always assemble the elements i mean any coiled shapes on a plastic sheet or a CD...this way they dont stick and easily come off...! Neat results !

  2. Love the way the ballons have turned out ! Mine always come out ugly so I dont attempt them in first place :P I love the handwritten background too !

  3. its really a huge party:)),but my opinion is back ground wordings can be avoided since it looks crowded.other than that ur quilling is perfect

  4. I like the words in the background, especially as they are different colours - and the balloons are great!

  5. Very Vibrant. But had the background been plain it would have made the quiling stand out! But a great card for a lil kid :)

  6. Perfect for a child. Especially like the balloons, colours are so vibrant. How lucky to have good handwriting, no need for expensive printed background paper! Thanks for the tips xx

  7. The cake looks so yummy and the card is such a happy playful card!

  8. Oh my goodness, I love this one!

    It's so colourful and full of life, a real celebration card.

    Great work!


  9. lovely and looks yummy.Good Luck in the challenge.

  10. A very nice card , happy colors !

  11. Very colorful,I would use a blank background, but do love all the quilling!

  12. where do u buy quilling tools and papers in chennai?


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