Saturday, January 30, 2010


This is an ideal way to recycle old greeting cards or wedding cards.

Both the boxes are made from square sheets with the square to make the inner box slightly smaller than the sheet to make the outer box ,so that it fits.

I have taught this box to summer class students and also to lot of my students I have made a lot of these boxes over the years to box small gifts for my friends.

To make this box, take two square pieces of paper the paper for the outer box should be slightly bigger than the inner one. I have used an old wedding card ,I have made sure that the picture is at the center of the paper.

Turn the paper around and find the center .

Fold one edge of the square to touch the center.

Fold again the folded part as shown below.

Unfold ,

Repeat on all four sides,

You can see a triangle on each edge of the square.Now make a cut starting from the base of the triangle
until you reach the large square in the center(where I have marked ) on two opposite sides.

Fold the uncut edges along the folds that we have made earlier in such a way that the triangle lies flat on the square in the middle , Stick the triangles with glue to hold it in place.

Now fold the cut edges over as shown.

Stick the triangles of the cut edges too on the square at the center.

The picture is at the center of the box. This will be the outer box. Now repeat the same procedure for the inner box . 


  1. wow nice idea. Thanks dear.

  2. hey......... its a nice idea... u know i have lots of such marriage invitations..... thank u for this great idea

  3. hi suganthi i loved ur this tutorial and have made boxes using it.i have decorated it with quilling and punched flowers.thank u so much for ur inspiration

  4. very nice idea of using cards mam....i tried ur is very easy to follow....thanks for the tutorial....

  5. Great.. Just made a box from the tut... :)

  6. Thank you so much..! Its really nice.

  7. I really love your all your tutorial and im just crazy making boxes I will definetly do this for sure.Thanks suganthi!!!
    im new to the crafts world pls visit my blog too

  8. superb...i tried this come out sooo good..thank u so much for the informative tutorial...


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